Monday, March 2, 2020

Transition Plus Bike Day

On May 8, we are a hosting a community bike day for our students and their families from 1:30 - 3:30.  Our students have a range of abilities from never having ridden a bike, to biking as their main form of transportation.  We will be facilitating 1 - 2 waves of longer rides, perhaps out to Bde Maka Ska and back (1 hour round trip), and several 30 minute waves close to our school for those that are new to biking or are using adaptive bikes.  

We would love it if you could be a part of our event!  Partnering with you would be a great way to introduce our students to the community/culture of biking here in Minneapolis, and get your organization's name out there.  Ways to get involved are:
  • Help facilitate rides - we may need more people who know bike/safety rules to assist in student rides
  • Bring free stuff - water bottles, helmets, anything that may be useful/fun for people on bikes
  • Bring enthusiasm about your organization!  How can students access what you offer?
  • Have an idea about a small biking activity that can be lead in our indoor community space? Let us know!
  • Have a passion for safety?  We will need to lead a short safety seminar before the bikers head out
  • Insert your idea here!